Throughout this lab I learned about the different aspects of metadata and why it is important to make sure you know your data is accurate especially in terms of GPS coordinates. Additionally I learned about elevation and how to make sure my elevation values are accurate which is a topic that I will discuss later on in this post. Lastly using concepts of elevation that we had discussed in class such as accounting for changes in datum I was able to find the true elevation values of certain GPS points.
For this lab all data was given so no outside data collection was necessary. Using several computer ARCGIS softwares including ARCGIS-Pro as well as ARC-Earth I was able to carry out the appropriate steps to complete the tasks for this assignment. With no prior experience using ARC-Earth I thought the functionality of it was very cool especially how you could add data in the form of a table and the software will automatically place the coordinates based off of the values from the table.
Being able to inspect metadata was a key highlight of this lab that was highlighted when the X and Y values of coordinates where actually switched which originally resulted in the data points being located in Antartica. Another key element of this lab was understanding how the datum effects the elevation values of data points within the image. When thinking about elevation and how it relates to the datums, it is critical to know that there is going to be about a 30 meter difference between the Ellipsoid height and the Ortho height. One such example can be seen below in figure 1 which illustrates this relationship of this.
Figure 1: Information given about certain geodetic mark.