For this lab we where tasked with flying an structure of our choosing. With that being said my group and I decided to fly a shed near campus. This is a shed that we have flown before in previous semesters for creating 3d models so the familiarity was advantageous to us.
For this flight we flew a double grid mission using Pix4D Capture with overlap and sidelap settings set to 60%. Our camera angle was set to 60 degrees as well to capture the data. The location of our mission we flew would be the shed located at the Purdue Turf Field. We flew our mission at 125 Feet and a total of 60 images were captured in a time of 6 minutes and 22 seconds for data processing in Pix4D Mapper. During the flight it was important to avoid locations where shadows may be present due to lighting as it would affect how the data was processed. By capturing all different angles of the shed we were then able to successfully create a 3D model. Our model didn’t come out according to plan because of the poor visibility during our flight. That is why the shed looks melted as the shadows prevented Pix4D Mapper from being able to depict how the structure actually stands in real life. This is something that we need to improve on in the future but it was a valuable learning experience and good practice for processing images utilizing Pix4D Mapper.
It was important for our group to avoid any shadows that were present due to the time of day in regards to the sun. The reason this was important to take into consideration is because the shadows can cause errors in the processing causing the 3d model not to turn out the way we would have liked.
Figure 1: Right side view of shed.
Figure 2: Overhead view of shed.
Figure 3: Locator map of shed.